
FBA Customer Returns report (overview)

FBA Customer Returns report (overview)

You can view a list of returned FBA purchases in the FBA Returns reports. When a customer returns an item, we assess the condition (disposition) of the returned item and then process the return based on the condition.

For more information about FBA returns processing and policies, go to FBA customer returns policy.

Note: FBA returns are not displayed on the Manage Returns page. The Manage Returns page is for self-fulfilled returns only.

Refunds for items that are not returned

At our discretion, we may give a refund without requiring that the customer return the item. These refunds do not appear in the FBA Customer Returns report. You can view the refund amount that you’re responsible for in the Payments Dashboard.

Reimbursements for customer refunds

You can track reimbursements for eligible customer refunds, whether or not an item was returned, in the Reimbursements report.

Unsellable inventory

If the disposition is defective, customer damaged, or damaged, then submit a removal order for those items or enable the option to remove unsellable inventory automatically. For more information, go to Remove inventory (overview) or Remove inventory automatically.

Field definitions

Online header Download header Description
Returned date return-date Date returned merchandise was processed at the fulfillment center (DD-MM-YYYY)
Order ID amazon-order-id Unique ID in the original shipment for returned item, if available
Merchant SKU sku Seller's item identifier
ASIN asin Amazon standard item number
FNSKU fnsku Fulfillment network SKU
Product name product-name Name of the product as it appears on Amazon
Quantity quantity Number of units of this item returned
FC fulfillment-center-id Fulfillment center where the returned merchandise was processed
Disposition detailed-disposition Condition of the returned item (view the Condition codes section below for explanation)
Reason reason Short description of reason for return as indicated by the customer (view the Customer reason section below for explanation)
Status status A short description of the status of the customer return (view the Return status section below for explanation)
LPN lpn Unique serial number that identifies specific items throughout the fulfillment process
customer-comments Comments submitted by customers about the reason for the return, when available

Condition codes

Disposition Description
SELLABLE The unit was returned to stock and is available for purchase.
DAMAGED We take responsibility for the damage. Ownership is transferred to us. Amazon compensates you based on the FBA inventory reimbursement policy.
CUSTOMER DAMAGED The unit was returned to stock in unsellable condition. This doesn’t mean that the item itself is damaged (for example, external packaging may have been opened), but it cannot be sold again in this condition. When this happens, the customer is refunded but the unit stays in your inventory as unsellable. You can request to have the unit returned to you. For more information, go to Remove inventory (overview).
DEFECTIVE The unit was returned to stock in unsellable condition. The unit is either obviously damaged or the customer stated that it’s faulty. The customer is refunded, but the unit stays in your inventory as unsellable. You can request to have the unit returned to you. For more information, go to Remove inventory (overview).
CARRIER DAMAGED Amazon takes responsibility for the damage. Ownership is transferred to Amazon. Amazon compensates you based on the FBA inventory reimbursement policy.
EXPIRED Units that are within approximately 50 days of the expiration date may be set aside as unsellable, and eventually removed for disposal by Amazon. Units that have been disposed will not be available for return. You can request to have expired units returned to you if they have not been disposed of. For more information, go to Remove inventory (overview).

Customer reason

Reason Description
OTHER Return option is not available
ORDERED_WRONG_ITEM I accidentally ordered the wrong item
FOUND_BETTER_PRICE I found better prices elsewhere
NO_REASON_GIVEN No reason, I just don't want the product anymore
QUALITY_UNACCEPTABLE Product performance or quality is not up to my expectations
NOT_COMPATIBLE Product is not compatible with my existing system
DAMAGED_BY_FC Product became damaged or defective after arrival
MISSED_ESTIMATED_DELIVERY Item took too long to arrive, I don't want it any more
MISSING_PARTS Shipment was missing items or accessories
DAMAGED_BY_CARRIER Product was damaged or defective on arrival
SWITCHEROO Amazon sent me the wrong item
DEFECTIVE Item is defective
EXTRA_ITEM Extra item included in shipment
UNWANTED_ITEM Unwanted item
WARRANTY Item defective after arrival: Warranty
UNAUTHORIZED_PURCHASE Unauthorized purchase: For example, fraud
UNDELIVERABLE_INSUFFICIENT_ADDRESS Undeliverable: Insufficient address
UNDELIVERABLE_FAILED_DELIVERY_ATTEMPTS Undeliverable: Failed delivery attempts
UNDELIVERABLE_REFUSED Undeliverable: Refused
UNDELIVERABLE_UNKNOWN Undeliverable: Unknown
UNDELIVERABLE_UNCLAIMED Undeliverable: Unclaimed
APPAREL_TOO_SMALL Apparel: Product was too small
APPAREL_TOO_LARGE Apparel: Product was too large
APPAREL_STYLE Apparel: Did not like style of garment
MISORDERED Ordered wrong style, size, or color
NOT_AS_DESCRIBED Not as described on website
JEWELRY_TOO_SMALL Jewelry: Too small or short
JEWELRY_TOO_LARGE Jewelry: Too large or long
JEWELRY_BATTERY Jewelry: Battery is dead
JEWELRY_NO_DOCS Jewelry: Missing manual or warranty
JEWELRY_BAD_CLASP Jewelry: Broken or malfunctioning clasp
JEWELRY_LOOSE_STONE Jewelry: Missing or loose stone
JEWELRY_NO_CERT Jewelry: Missing promised certification

Return status

Status Description
Unit returned to inventory Unit has been returned to your sellable or unsellable inventory
Reimbursed A reimbursement has been approved for the unit. The unit has not been returned to your inventory (allow 5 days for reimbursements to post).
Pending repackaging Unit is in the process of being repackaged.
Repackaged successfully Unit has been repackaged successfully and returned to your sellable inventory.
To be auto- removed Unit has been returned to your unsellable inventory and will be removed in accordance with your automated removal settings.
Immediate disposal Unit was of dispose in accordance with your automated unfulfillable settings.
Immediate donation Unit was donated in accordance with your automated unfulfillable settings and donations preferences.
Immediate liquidation Unit was liquidated in accordance with your automated unfulfillable settings.
Policy-related disposal Unit was disposed in accordance with product health and safety or regulatory policies.

Report scheduling

The Schedule tab allows you to automatically generate a report at the frequency that you choose. The frequency that you select will also determine the date range of the report. For example, if you select Every 7 days, then the report will include the previous seven days of data.

To create a new scheduled report, follow these steps:

  1. On the FBA Customer returns report, select the Schedule tab.
  2. From the drop-down menus, select the frequency, start date (must be in the future), and report format.

  3. Click Create scheduled report.

Your schedule will be displayed under the My schedule section. If you want to modify the schedule, then delete your existing scheduled report and create a new schedule. You can only create one schedule per report.

Based on your chosen frequency, the report will be generated at midnight in your store's time zone. Each time that a scheduled report is generated, it will be displayed in the Scheduled reports section. The section will contain a maximum of 30 reports in chronological order.

To download a report immediately, click the Download tab. The Scheduled reports section won’t include any reports that were manually requested in the Download tab.


原文博主: 热衷开源的宝藏Boy
原文链接: http://www.fangzengye.com/article/65cae71c3c325c67e9b3a89fdf17d372
版权声明: 自由转载-非商用-禁止演绎-保持署名| CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

